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For Parents

Sample Parent Letter to School Principal, Teacher or School Nurse about hidradenitis suppurativa disease and to Present Information about Disease


[Insert date]



Dear [insert name of School Administrator, School Nurse or Teacher]:


Hidradenitis Suppurativa affects as many as 1 million Americans, which includes about four percent of the population (potentially 30 million people), yet is rarely discussed or studied.  Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a noncontagious disease that affects the skin.

The disease can cause itching, pain and redness, pus-seepage, and blood.  People with hidradenitis suppurativa often find moving difficult or painful.  Children or teens who have hidradenitis suppurativa are at higher risk for developing other health conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, or Crohn’s disease.  Successfully managing the disease to reduce inflammation is critical to decreasing such risks. 

As you can imagine, having a visible skin disease or physical limitations can make a child or teen feel different.  People with hidradenitis suppurativa often feel like they are “not normal” due to their appearance, which can result in higher incidents of teasing or bullying.  Given the physical and emotional effects, managing hidradenitis suppurativa can sometimes be challenging.  The provision of a supportive environment can help make coping with the disease easier. 

As a parent of a child with hidradenitis suppurativa, I’d like to request the opportunity to give a 30-minute presentation [insert one of the following: to my child’s class AND/OR to school staff] to promote an understanding of the disease, as well as acceptance of differences that make each child unique.  Through such education, we can work together to create a better understanding of the disease, which will ultimately make a difference in the lives of students who live with hidradenitis suppurativa every day. 


Thank you for considering this request. I hope to have the opportunity to provide education about this cause that means so much to me. I will follow up with you soon to discuss a time for scheduling a presentation. If you have any questions about this request, please contact me at [insert phone number or email address]. 






[insert name of student]



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